General / Booking Terms and Condition’s
Customers that do not arrive at their pre-arranged time may lose their booking and related payment or you may have to wait for the next available session.
No refund for cancellations made 24 hours or less before the beginning of the reservation. Additionally, no refund for not showing up. Group booking more than 6 persons cancellation free of charge 8 days or more prior to arrival, cancellation 7-0 days prior to the arrival or no show: 100% of the total amount.
Pre-paid payments received onto a booking are non-refundable. However a booking may be moved free of charge to another date, or payment can be kept on the system to allow a customer to book for another date.
We cannot guarantee a walk-in appointment will be available, therefore we strongly advise the customer to book prior, to avoid disappointment.
Customers that decide on the day to not continue with a session/ activity will not be entitled to a refund.
This experience is not suitable for expectant mothers, people with back problems, heart conditions or other illnesses, which could affect their driving.Abusive behaviour towards a member of staff or another competitor will not be tolerated and will lead to disqualification without a refund.
Drivers that are small, large, or heavier drivers may experience problems fitting into the kart and therefore will have a bad experience karting. We have a minimum height of 150cm, maximum height of 205cm and a maximum size of XXL bench.
Spectators are not permitted on the racetrack at any time.
Children must be supervised at all times.
Customers will be provided with a Helmet & Suit and receive a Safety Briefing and Instructions on how to operate the kart. Wearing a balaclava is mandatory. Frozen Ring is not responsible for damage occured to the driever´s own clothes.
Drivers must be able to fully understand an English safety briefing and can communicate sufficiently with circuit staff.
Drivers may not compete while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Frozen Ring has a strict ‘ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY’ regarding alcohol and/or drug abuse. Any person who appears under the influence will not be permitted on the track and may be asked to leave with strictly no refund.
Weather Impact: Ice karting is subject to weather conditions. Our company reserves the right to cancel or reschedule the slot due to adverse weather conditions. In such cases, we will offer alternative dates or refunds, where possible. Frozen Ring is entitled to make the decision, when weather conditions are not suitable to drive.
Karting Circuit Term and Conditions
Karting is a non-contact sport. We do not tolerate any bumping and or blocking. If you are unable to pass a kart, this is no excuse for contact.
Strictly no intentional contact between karts. Aggressive driving will certainly lead to a penalty or disqualified from the track with no refund.
Failure to obey our Trained Marshals, flags or lights will result to receiving warning and disqualification’s with no refund.
If the yellow flags are shown, drive in single file and be prepared to stop if required. There is to be absolutely no racing or passing under yellow lights or flags. When you are clear of the incident and can see that there are no yellow flags or lights showing at the next corner you may return to racing speed and resume racing.
If the red flag is shown, you will come to a slow pace and return to the pits for further instruction. Do not slam on your brakes, (the person behind you may not see the flags as soon as you), slow to a cautious pace.
Once the checkered flag is waved, the race is over. As soon as you cross the start/finish line, stop racing immediately and slow down prior to entering the pit lane.
If you spin the kart and are unable to re-join the race, wait for a Marshal to assist you. Under no should you attempt to get out of the kart and restart the kart yourself. Stay seated in the kart at all times when out on the track.
Should your kart be damaged during an event as a result of any racing incident (regardless of responsibility for the incident), your race is over; no refund will be given. In the event that the Track Manager determines that you were 100% blameless for the incident, he/she will reserve the right to replace your kart or place you in another race.
Anyone driving aggressively, beyond their own ability, without regard for our rules or the safety of all involved, will be warned or penalized depending upon the seriousness of the incident and any prior incidents.
If a driver is removed from an event under these circumstances, no refund will be given.
If you receive a warning or penalty, please remember that this is being done to ensure the safety of all involved. Please do not respond aggressively or abusively, as this will only lead to your exclusion from the event.
If you receive a warning, acknowledge that you have received the warning so that the track staff know that you are paying attention.
When entering the Pit Area, please drive slowly and carefully and pay close attention to the marshal’s
Listen carefully as to why you have received a penalty. Do not argue or verbally harass the marshals; it will not be tolerated. The decision of the Official Marshal is FINAL, and he/she will make that decision based on the reports from the marshals who witnessed the incident. As in all forms of sport, it is possible that a mistake will occur; do not compound this error by arguing and elongating your penalty.
Anyone displaying any aggression – physical or verbal – towards officials or other participants will be removed from the race immediately and no refund will be given.
Sustainability and Responsibility
Frozen Ring is an official motorsport circuit with an environmental permit which is granted by the environmental protection of Arctic Lapland. It is safe and environmental friendly to operate motorsports in a controlled and licensed area.